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and I want most particularly of all if to be obtained, learpenters Report/new) on the state of other knowledge of molluscs of the next crast, gust out; when i left and I am sorry to say with numerous mistakes. There is only one copy here, that is Dr. Coopers at the Geological Survey Rooms. Also, If oyu feel like sending any mereorological balnks; the Capt. of the Port of Petropavlovsk takes daily observations and would I am sure send copies. If you can send me these things, pray do, as [[underline]] soon as possible. [[/underline]] 
Mr. Hubbard recieves our letters. Hoping I have been suffiently explicit and not wearied you with details,
I remain very respectfully
Wm H. Dall
P.S. I will send the copy of my report to you through Prvt. Harry

Acting Director Sei. Corps.
W.U. I. Cos Ex.
Prof I. F. Baird Asst. Iecyv
Smithsonian Institution Wash D.C.