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Western Union Telegraph Company

Prof. S. F. Baird            Dec. 16. 1856. San. Francisco

Dear Sir.

In addition to my letter of last steamer I have not much to add, but perhaps it may be rather important.

You have doubtless heard before this from Maynard who, I discovered a few days since, has returned, in disgust.  I cannot but think that whatever he got, served him right for deserting Kennicott in the hour of trouble.

Elliott, too, I hear, is at New Westminster, and as I have no use for him here, I shall not ask for his services till next spring.  I shall write to him by the next northern mail, but I suppose you have already heard from him, probably.  I shall endeavor to send all the remaining collections catalogues & copies of notes by the next steamer.

I am much disappointed to hear that Popes party have penetrated only so far as Babine Lake when they will winter! according to the news by steamer, today.  I know K. calculated on Rothrock's help next year, largely.  This will cut him off from another years N.M. work if he continues in the party.

A "Col." Wicker, formerly assistant S'pt of Telegraphs under Bulkley in the army, has been