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7539/2           Outfit called for
Axe, one small
Alum (powdered) 20 lbs
Alcohol (in tins) 3 bbls
Arsenic, powdered, 150 lbs
Boxes. Large nested paper Pill. 4 gross
  "    Small   "      "     "   6   "
  "    Tin collecting [[strikethrough]] box
         [/strikethrough]] Two
  "    Yeast Powder tin - 6 doz
  "    Birds-egg, nested, 4 doz nests
  "    Cigar, 6 doz
Basket, one tinlined
Corrosive sublimate - 2 lbs
Chloroform - 2 lbs
Cork (soles). 100 sheets
Corks, Homeopathic, 8 gross ass'td
  "   wide mouthed bottle, 10 gross, ass'td
Chisels, cold - 6
Caps, percussion, 24 boxes
Dredge - one -
Fishbags - 1200 -
Fish tackle - assorted -
Geological hammers -1 doz
Forceps - one doz -
Gun, one double barreled shot -
Kegs  10 gall two.
  "    5   "  six.
Knives, wood - two
   "   bird skinning. 12.
Notebooks - one doz -
Oakum, one bale 50 lbs not tarred.
Powder, 15 lbs.
Punch for labels - one -
Paper for dryers  100 lbs -
  "    "  folders - 200 lbs -
Plaster Paris, one barrel -
Scissors - one doz -
Spade - one -
Shot - 4 bags assorted -
[[end page]]