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May 1, 1866.

Col. Chas. S. Bulkley.
Engineer in Chief.


I have the honor to report that the Nightingale, Wright, Onward, Golden Gate, Clara Bell, Rutgers and Palmetto, have been furnished with a stock of medicines, which with economy, might be made to last two years.   That the chests of the Rutgers and Onward have been refitted, and a new supply chest made for the Nightingale.  That a small supply of invalid food  has been separately put up in boxes (not incorporated with the store of drugs, in order that there might be less temptation for the person in charge,* to regale himself upon dainties intended solely for the sick.  For the same reason, no alcoholic stimulants have been provided) That a few absolutely necessary articles have been added to the list prepared by Dr. Fisher for the tin medicine chests, for exploring parties.  That the medical equipment of the Expedition is now complete.  That the accompanying bills are approved, having been carefully