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San Francisco, May 29, 1866

Dear Professor,

Since my last, some more stirring in the business of the Expedition seems to indicate that things are coming to a focus.

Yours of April 29 is rec'd. I thank you for letting them know at home of my probable departure, as I shall probably be able to hear from them after they know I am going.

Col. Bulkley says that he intends to leave on Saturday (June 3) but I doubt if he gets off so soon. He telegraphed East, that he and count Anassof on the Wright would go direct to Petro-pavlovsk, and thence to Behring Strait. The Clara Bell has already sailed for that port, with a party of five men on board.  The Palmetto and Rutgers are nearly ready.

Wicker and Wright tried for some time, and tried hard, to get the matter of purchasing supplies for the vessels out of the hands of Capt Scammon They were not satisfied with their commissions on the supplies for the Land forces, but they must also get the Marine supplies. They finally