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Prof. Whitney, Stearns and my self have worked hard at renovating the Academy here and have by our united work and subscriptions removed it to new and clean rooms, fitted it with new and useful cases and refitted and fixed everything. I have done all I could to make the meetings interesting, but the balance of the credit is due to Stearns who has been indefatigable in his actual work, patience and exercise of common sense. I do not see the way clear [[strikethrough]] to set the way clear [/strikethrough]]to set the Academy on its legs financially yet, beyond paying its running expenses as always has been done.

I have published three papers in its Proceedings, namely a Memorial of Thos Bridges F.R.S. a member; which with the other two shell papers has been sent to Prof. B. I have spent about $35.00 on the Academy so far. I have rec'd through the kindness of Dr. Stimpson the first two sheets of the Chi. Acad. Proc. and must say I am a little disappointed. They are in [[underlined]]brevier [/underlined]] instead of [[underlined]]Burgeois [/underlined]] type which contracts and impairs the looks of the page, and by far too much