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stuffed into it. The skin should have some oakum stuffed into it to keep it about the same size as in life, but care should be taken not to stretch it. It should then be put in a dry place - Animals the same, but they are much easier to skin. The skull should be kept and numbered the same as the skin. Butterflies should be put into a piece of paper, folded to make a three cornered bag, laid flat they will not chafe much, and will be of value. Dragonflies or Devils darning needles the same.
  Rocks should be obtained from the bed rock, when possible, and about the size of an orange, one or two specimens of each kind. Those containing fossils or petrifactions, should be collected in large quantities; and particularly those containing small round or oval concretions within, generally of a different color from the rest of the rock, and looking like plums in a pudding. These are known as Zeolites.
  Peculiar Earths, white, buff, or chalky, of a smooth texture to the hands, should be obtained in small quantities, as before recommended for Diatoms.
 Lice and crabs may be observed on Cod and other large fish used for food. They should be preserved with note of kind of fish, and season.
            Desirable objects 
1st in value, skulls of animals, birds and fish of every kind, whole or broken, and also their bones. They may be separated from their bodies
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