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I was surprised to find that it was completely covered by the high water, the Indians who live near the coal seam, say it is covered every year, judging from that, it does not amount to much; the 6th day I arrived at the Mission where I was well received by the Russians.  Made a contract with Milliranoff (the Bidarjik) to buy 20 dogs, loftac, parkies, boots, blankets, caps, breeches, and everything necessary for working men.

On the morning of the 7th left the Mission accompanied by the Russian Priest.  On the 9th arrived at the Corsil-vac, the southern mouth of the Kirch-pak, plenty of water, channel gives 5 and 6 fathoms.  Camped at an Indian Village heard that Capt Smith was at Cut-lete, dispatched a messenger for him.  On the second day, Capt Smith arrived.  We then pushed on down the Cor-sil-vac, to another village, where we lay over one day as my men needed rest.

June 6th  Started for the sea, found it was impossible to go around by the coast as it was not yet clear of ice, we went through the "Devils Slue" a