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[[arrow]] (Mouth of the Uphom and
          (along the coast the channel
          (will give 9 feet of water
          (from mouth of canal to
[[/left margin vertical]]

9 feet of water is to be had. It is difficult of access as the channel is so very crooked and narrow. June 22d Left Askeninck, the water from there to Kip-my-uck gives 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 and 2 feet until near the entrance to the Kip-my-uck River. The channel gives 3, 3 1/2, 4-4 1/2-5-6-7-7 1/2 and 8 fathoms, the land all around is very low, no land marks at all for a ship. June 25th Arrived at the Cor-sil-vac. Smith proceeded around one channel, while I went up the other. Capt Smith discovered five channels all very narrow and crooked, sand bars also very numerous. He found from 4 to 4 1/2 fathoms of water. The Corsilvac will give 15 ft of water at the lowest.

June 27th Smith and I separated he going down the Kirchpak or middle mouth, while I went down the mouth that the Russians use with their sloop, this mouth will give at the very lowest 9 feet of water from mouth of canal to ^ Redoubt from 9 to 15 feet. I arrived at the Redoubt on June 29th having been 33 days from Nulato.

As far as I am capable of judging Redoubt St Michaels is the best and safest harbor for a ship, it being the distance from the Northern mouth, as Askeniuck is from the southern. There are at least 13 slms and