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thus avoiding the long bend of the river to the northward. There is a sheltered valley through which the line could be built, where it would probably be safer than on the river, should you think best to follow that route. It would be shorter by about sixty versts.
   I estimate the whole distance from Markova to the Bay of Anadyr by the river, at five hundred versts. Mr. Dodd's estimate is six hundred but it seems to me too large. It certainly will not exceed that.
   The mouth of the Krassnee is distant from here about three hundred and seventy-five versts, and the mouth of the "Baillie" about two hundred & ^[[tw]][[strikethru]]sev[[/strikethru]]enty-five ^[[20]]. At the mouth of the "Baillie" there are two "yourtis," one Russian and the other "Tchuktchi" and at the Oochastchicka, there are two yourtis of "Tchucktchis." These are the only settlements on the river below the [[Crepast?]], At the mouth of the "Myan," there are several "yourtis" but they are only inhabited in summer, when the Anadyrsk people go there to watch for the migration of the Reindeer.
   We learned from the Anadyr party, and were also told by "Tchucktchis" that there is a large river emptying into the Bay of Anadyr from the north and rising near the coast far to the northward towards the Day, (I think) of St. Croix. I have no map with me & have (forgotten
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