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Tea, Sugar, nor flour of any kind. [[Cubbakoff?]] is the only merchant here who has tea or sugar, and he asks for a pound of tea and a pound of Sugar [[underline]]four Roubles and a half[[/underline]]. He will not sell them separately. For common cup and saucer the charges a Rouble and a half and four and in different quality of buckwheat (not white) flour, he demands sixteen Roubles a poud, or Ninety Roubles a barrel – American measure. It is a shame! We need at present, nothing but tea, sugar, flour – black and white.
   As we have nothing more now for Gregory to do, we send him to Ghijiya with this report, particularly as he has a team of dogs here, and cannot possibly obtain food for them.
   And I wish to convey in the strongest terms our entire satisfaction with his services. With the exception of [[Vashine?]], I never knew a better man on the road – active cheerful, enterprising and experienced in this kind of travel. I hardly know how we could've got along without him. We feel sorry to part with him now. He has travelled with us nearly two months and a half, furnishing his own dogs, and Mr. Dodd and myself earnestly request that the compensation for his services be liberal. We should be glad to make him some present ourselves, had we the means to do so, and if there are any American rifles
on our