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on our vessels next summer, I should like to buy and make him a present of one. Eger, our servant, we shall keep here for the present.
   There is one other subject which I forgot to notice in its proper place in which seems to me of some importance worth suggesting at least. The river as far as I could judge affords abundance of water to float the small stern-wheel-steamer, as far up as the mouth of the Myan, and it seems to me that such a vessel would be of the greatest value, both during, and after the construction of the line.
A small stern wheel (not screw) steamer drawing 2 feet of water and amply large enough for our purposes could be built in California for $1500 dollars, and brought to the mouth of the river on one of our vessels. It would be very useful for the transportation of stores from the mouth of the river, both here and perhaps up the large river which empties into the Bay of Anadyr from the north – for towing rafts carrying wire, insulators &c, it would be invaluable.
   I thought it possible that the Colonel would leave the small steamer which he had, with the party on this side, but he has given it to Mr. Kennicott. If two of your officers go down the river next spring, it would be desirable to obtain soundings of the water,
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