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Ghijiga, at[?] E. Siberia
March 28th, April 9th

Major S. Abasa,
Director in chief
Asiatic Division
As I stated in my previous report the routh for the line which we first explored between Penjina and Anandyosk was found very unsatisfactory on account of the scarcity of timber for poles and the long and difficult transportation which it necessarily involved across barren wind swept tundras. Upon our return form the mouth of the Anadyosk I determined to explore a new and more practicable route across that portion of the country and for that purpose I left Anadyosk with four pledges on March 10th[[above March 10th, Feb 26th]]. I had heard some time before in Penjina, vague and indefinite reports of a river called the Myan rising to the eastward of that village and running southward to the Anadyosk. It was toward the head waters of this river that I directed my course. We encountered very sever storms after leaving Penjina and our dog food being exhausted we were compelled to go a hundred and twenty-five  versts to the eastward on