This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.
5807 [[round stamp]] SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. APR 15 1865 [[/round stamp]] Please send copies by mail of Kennicotts telegrams from San Francisco to - Mrs. J. A. Kennicott The Grove Ill - Geo. C. Walker Walker Branson & Co Chicago. - Rev H Bannister Evanston Ill - James Redfield Box 740 Chicago Ill - Dr Rothrock McVeytown Mifflin Co Pa - F. R. Elliott Cleveland O - Prof J. P. Kirtland " " [[dittos for: Cleveland O]] - Dr Maynard [[strikethrough]] Mrs Dall ^[[insertion]] Boston [[/insertion]] when you get her address [[/strikethrough]] Mrs C. H. Dall, no. 70 Warren Avenue Boston [[line]] I suspect will get letters up several times this summer from San Francisco. Please try a letter to me via Redkin - ^[[insertion]] about May 1st [[/insertion]] address me R Kennicott Collins Overland Teleg Co Ft Youkon Mackenzies Riv Dist H.B.[[B.?]] Compton Hud Bay Co Pembina Minn [[insertion linking to Redkin above]] It will reach there in Sept or Oct and Ill send express them for news by first ice. [[/insertion]]
Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Have corrects minor typo & also some markup. Smithsonian Archives have requested the [[insertion]] text [[/insertion]] markup rather than ^[[text]] markup for insertions. The latter is used where it is a handwritten insertion in typed text -@siobhanleachman
jeni92127 made corrections including last line. Need a final review
- also Pembina is now in North Dakota but the area [Red River Trails] was associated with it and Minnesota during this time period.
- "Compton" found on pg 127
-clarified a few ? but needs more - nwmath