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bottle in this place.  Some [[?food]] for birds would be desirable - and pray if possible send printed labels for em all and a few parchment labels.

I tell you Prof Baird we can do a big thing here if we follow it up - as soon as I get the telegraph line built I shall strike for two months here - The arctics are very well - but the tropics!  Ah!! here is richness for you!  and there a man can be lazy without shame, [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] lazy.

Please drop a line to Geo Walker as this is 3 days later than mine to him. - Am are off now across the lagoon to hunt lizards Iguanas [[?birdys]] etc.

All the boys are jolly - old Bischoff jolliest of all

R. Kennicott

Transcription Notes:
edited out formatting & resolved some [[?]] - nwmath