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in Nicaragua is that small boxes, bottles etc are not easily obtained and I think I bought the only 1/2 lb of arsenic to be found on the transit.

I think we shall get some good work out of these men eventually- They all told me they would be delighted to have some naturalist spend a season on the transit- cant you send some one. Even Drexler would do a good deal If any one goes Ive no doubt old Dr Drizman of Graytown would board him for a trifle while at San Juan del Sur living is quite cheap.- Any one going to the transit should have recommendations to Gregory the Genl agent - who tho too busy to do anything himself at Nat Hist  can from his position give aid and protection. I believe the best men on the transit for collecting will be Drizmann, Holland, and Frank Rogers. - Perhaps through Morris or Carrington you could get some on a D.H. to Graytown & on the transit.  Whoever comes must however 

Transcription Notes:
jeni92127 reviewed Sept 2017 transcriber typos: - "." after "deal" - extra space after "Nat Hist" - "Drizmann" was "Deizmann" in the original