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[[blue ink stamp]]
JUN 25 1865
[[blue ink stamp]]

my firmness and I have pretty fairly beaten all the young [[underlined]] red tapists [[/underlined]]who were a little inclined to be all jealous of my position - in telegraph work -
Some one or more of the young fellows has undoubtedly been the cause of the temporary misunderstanding between Col B & myself - I shall one day find out and spot the man - then at my leisure I will attend to his case.

It seems that the young chaps of the party are all delighted with my position as head of Scientific Dpt as they think this is all right - but it was the prospect of my taking so prominent a place in the actual construction of the line in the Youkon Div that made them jealous - I think Col Buckley will regret that he did not let me pitch into this work as was first proposed - and those who advised him against it will have to suffer for it - But all is well that ends well! - and now instead of all the care and responsibility  of the whole thing I have only a simple exploration of the Youkon to prepare for, and may run Nat Hist to my hearts content