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15 asked for further information He did not tell me [[strikethrough]] exactly [[/strikethrough]] what he meant me to do, - but then went on to object to my manner of choosing men, to my talking freely of my plans etc and blamed me for a number of statements [[strikethrough]] mad [[/strikethrough]] which in fact were made by his own men - not mine - I did not tell him the last - but showed him that - far from [[strikethrough]] telling [[/strikethrough]] talking with anyone but himself of my plans I had not even discussed them with my personal friends - or my companions - He was not angry about the matter apparently - and I certainly gave him no just cause for offence then or afterward - But from that day on he ceased to be as open with me and for a long time would give me no satisfactory answers. - [[strikethrough]] as I [[/strikethrough]] without any definate reason given he tasked me to stop recruiting men etc