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[[circular stamp]]
DEC 31 1865
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[[circular stamp]]
JAN 7 1866
[[/circular stamp]]

Fort St. Michael, Norton Sound
Russian America
Sept. 16th 1865

My Dear Prof. Baird

I must leave Dall to tell you about the "Circumlucation Office" - My Outfit and equipment for telegraph work is abominable and absurd - my men are splendid - But we are sent on a forlorn hope with miserable equipment - costly but not the less poor - what I was allowed to choose is good. - Capt. Scammon has supplied a few deficiencies but these are of vast importance - I must depend a good deal on my scientific outfit for means to carry out Telegraph work. -

My scientific outfit is really good though deficient in certain important things such as alcohol, etc. etc.

In choosing Dall to act in my place as Chief of Scientific Department of the Telegraph Expedition I beg that you will understand I not only have perfect confidence in his zeal and integrity but consider him peculiarly adapted to manage such difficult subjects as well as Col Bulkley and Capt Scammon - It is not alone that he is the best man I could get but that also I am sure a superior man for the place - He would I think organise and plan fully better than myself and where forms are ^[[so]] necessary he would look much better for our equipment -