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1146 [[underlined]] Tetras canadensis [[/underlined]] 27630 [[male symbol]] Youkon May 27. This species not abundant here. K

1148 [[underlined]] Gallinago willsonii [[/underlined]] 27711. [[female symbol]] & 3 eggs. Youkon May 29. I saw the [[male symbol]], on two occasions, perched upon the top of a tall spruce near the nest, when startled he flew to other trees instead of alighting on the ground.  The male uttered, at slight intervals, a series of notes, a little in the style of the small Virginia rail, but on a higher key, like kàk. kàk kàk, and not as rapidly as the rail.

Nest on a small, nearly naked, tussock surrounded by water, at the edge of a narrow marsh, in the woods, thickly interspersed with ^large willows.  On land, within 4 yards of the nest, was a thick growth of spruces.  The nest was a simple depression (rather deeper than in Gambetta & Tringoides) lined with a little dry grass.  The ovary of the [[female symbol]] contained another egg, I shot her as she rose from the nest. K