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[[[[Q??]] written over right side of each paragraph]]


877 [[underlined]] Melospiza lincolnii [[/underlined]] 3 eggs. Nest in a bunch of grass, growing [[underlined]] in [[/underlined]] the water, in a small grassy pond. Nest contained 4 eggs & one young bird one egg smashed. (I've left the nest and young bird and may yet get the parent. As near as I could make out it was the above species. Ft Res. June 25. K

878 [[underlined]] Larus [[strikethrough]] argentatus [[/strikethrough]] smithsonianus [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] & 4 eggs Ft .Res. Iris mottled dark purplish brown & silvery grey. Bill pale lemon yellow, with large ring of dark red on lower mandible only, & black bar in front of it. Eyelids & angles of mouth carmine. Legs & feet pale olivaceous yellow. Nests in great numbers close together on one point only of the shores of a large wooded island. The nests made with considerable art, of sticks, leaves, and feathers, and not placed in unsheltered positions, but generally among low bushes, or beside driftlogs, and often even under willows. The nests rather deep and large. This & four following specimens were caught on their nests with snares, and as I remembered both birds & eggs on the spot, there can be no [[strikethrough]] doubt [[/strikethrough]] mistake about these at least. Among a hundred ^[[or two]] gulls flying about the spot, and of which we snared and shot ten or twelve I could distinguish no other species than this, unless No 881 be different.  But we got some eggs that are much larger ^[[(883 & 885)]] and must belong to a different & larger bird. This I will yet get, perhaps, the same spot. These specimens may be as likely [[underlined]] occidentalis [[/underlined]] as [[underlined]] argentatus [[/underlined]] - but without all the species before me, its not easy to make out closely allied gulls by Lawrences descriptions. K.

[[strikethrough]] 881 [[underlined]] Larus argentatus [[/underlined]]  Iris, ^[[feet]] legs, & nest as in 878. Bill the same except that there is no black bar on it. Ft. Res. June 26. K. [[/strikethrough]]

882 [[underlined]] Larus argentatus [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] & eggs. Legs, bill, iris, & nest as in 878. Ft. Res. June 26. K.

Transcription Notes:
- Letter written over paragraphs my be a "P" diagonally to indicate paragraph. - "^[[" unnecessary; transcriber used for insertion, not handwriting, since it is all handwritten.