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[[there is a lightly drawn Q symbol written over the right side of each paragraph]]

930 [[underlined]] Spizella socialis [[/underlined]] 27544. [[female symbol]], nest, & 4 eggs.  Ft Resolution July 4. Iris hazel, legs & feet very [[strikethrough]] dark [[/strikethrough]] ^[[light]] olive.  Nest 3 feet from ground in a thickly branched bush in in rather open [[strikethrough]] ground [[/strikethrough]] place.  I shot the [[female symbol]] as she flew from the nest.  I am not too well satisfied that this and the other specimens, I have labelled [[underlined]] socialis [[/underlined]] are that species.  If I remember right all have the nape streaked with black, and many show indications of a median stripe of ashy black streak on the crown, while in those specimens labelled "[[underlined]] socialis var [[/underlined]]" these are as prominent as in [[underlined]] S. pallida [[/underlined]].  But of course the black bill, chesnut crown, & darker coloration, show them to be perfectly distinct from the latter species.  This nest of eggs are peculiarly marked, but I am certain ^[[as to]] [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] the identity of the parent. K

931 [[underlined]] Zonotrichia albicollis [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] (head only, packed in nest), nest, & 4 eggs.  Ft Res. July 12 Nest on ground, at foot of a bush in rather open place. K

933 [[underlined]] Tringoides macularius [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] & 4 eggs. Ft. Res. July 17. Nest in a dry spot, in a large open grassy marsh near a small river.  I shot at & wounded the [[female symbol]], and afterwards caught the [[male symbol]] on the nest with a snare.  Nest very small, consisting only of a few bits of grass placed in a very slight depression Kennicott

934 Tringoides macularius 2 eggs [[strikethrough]] supposed [[underlined]] Tringoides macularius [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]]. Ft. Res. July 17. Nest similar to, and in same situation as that of no 933. Nest had contained 4 eggs, but two were hatched.  On this same open piece of ground, I found the young of [[underlined]] Gambetta flavipes [[/underlined]], and another brood of [[underlined]] T. macularius [[/underlined]]. K.

Transcription Notes:
- Character over Paragraphs may be "P" for paragraph. - "^[[" unnecessary; transcriber used for insertion not handwriting.