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[[Q written over the right side of each paragraph]]

686 [[underlined]] Melospiza lincolnii [[/underlined]]  [[female symbol]] nest & 4 eggs.  Ft Res. June 13.  Nest on ground in a tuft of grass, at the foot of a willow in a swamp. K

[[X written over the center of paragraph 688]]

688 [[underlined]] Zonotrichia leucophrys [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]]. The only one of the species, that I have killed here.  Ft Res. June 14. K  

689 [[underlined]] Z. gambellii [[/underlined]] 5 eggs. Ft Res. June 14.  [[strikethrough]] I wounded the parent and she deserted the nest, which was [[/strikethrough]] on ground in a clump of gooseberry bushes in an open place. [[strikethrough]] I am not sure, of course, that it is not [[underlined]] Z. leucophrys [[/underlined]], or [[underlined]] Z. albicollis [[/underlined]], I only saw the bird at night. [[/strikethrough]] K

690 [[underlined]] Z [[/underlined]] gambellii  Nest and 5 eggs. Ft Res. June 14. Nest on ground in a clump of gooseberry bushes in an open place. ^[[K]]  [[strikethrough]] I shot at the female, who either was killed, or deserted the nest. But afterwards before I removed the nest, I repeatedly saw about the spot a pair of white crowned sparrows, either the above, or [[underlined]] leucophrys [[/underlined]]. K. [[/strikethrough]]

691 [[underlined]] Z. gambellii [[/underlined]]  [[female symbol]], nest, & 5 eggs.  Ft. Res. June 14. [[strikethrough]] Skin badly torn [[/strikethrough]] Nest on the ground in a clump of low bushes in an open place beside a frequented path.  The female, when disturbed, always crept off along the ground to some distance ere the flew.  I finally shot her as she thus left the nest. K.