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[[3 Xs written over first paragraph]]

44 Corvus 2 eggs of [[underlined]] Corvus [[/underlined]], [[strikethrough]] (perhaps, [[underlined]] C. carnivorous [[/underlined]]) [[/strikethrough]] judging from the size. Bird & nest not seen by me. L Winnipeg June 7. K

[[large slash mark written over the rest of the page]]

45 [[underlined]] Strepsilas interpres [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] Legs coral red, bill black. Very fat. About 20 seen in flock on beach, afterwards saw it common on L Winnipeg. K

47 [[underlined]] Aegialites semipalmatus [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] Iris brown, eyelids narrow but [[underlined]] prominently [[/underlined]] edged with pale ^[[lemon]] yellow. Base of bill lemon yellow, by dull olive yellow. Several flocks seen on lake shore at this time & afterwards. Common on L Winnipeg. K

48 [[underlined]] Calidris arenaria [[/underlined]]  [[female symbol]] Numerous in small flocks along Lake beach. This spec with ova very small. K

[[Q written over right side of next paragraph]]

49 [[underlined]] Melospiza melodia [[/underlined]] 5 eggs. Nest on the sandy and nearly bare lake beach in a hole at the root of a small bush, very ample-exterior of coarse grass, lining of finer grasses. V feathers The male approached the nest singing loudly as if to attract my attention, while I was preparing the eggs after shooting the mother. Lake Winnipeg June 9 K

50 [[blank space for species name]] 5 eggs of [[underlined]] Corvus [[/underlined]]. Nest only 10 feet from the ground on a small [[larch?]]. Lake beach June 9. K

51 [[blank space for species name]] 6 gulls eggs. part or all of [[underlined]] Sterna Wilsonii [[/underlined]]. This species was upon the island in great abundance, though we found only 3 nests and no eggs incubated. (See head & wing no 51) On a small rocky island, north end of Lake Winnipeg, June 10. K