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[[underlined]] Hilgard [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] May 31 [[/underlined]].
Followed up the Grand Ronde River past Hilgard, then crossed to the north side & left the river & followed up a creek & then up a long ridge to a mile & a half of the Summit and camped just after noon. Shot a few things along the road. Saw a Coyote & near camp found some fresh bear sign. Set traps and wrote some.

Snow banks lie on north slopes 50 feet below our camp. The snow has gone off so lately over much of the ground that very few plants have started. On one side of the creek Vaccinium microphyllum are in flower & on the other side the leaf buds have not opened.

At camp the zone is purely boreal. Pinus murryana & Picea are abundant & hold the ground on north slopes while Pinus ponderosa & Larix occidentalis occupy the tops of ridges & S. slopes.

Came about 12 miles, all the way up hill but with easy grade & fairly good roads.

[[underline]] June 1 [[/underline]]  Rained in the night and part of forenoon. Staid in camp & wrote reports till noon. Hunted bear & other things in PM but did not get much
Caught a Sorex & some Evotomys. Found a lot of Taxus. Found Calypso borealis for the first time.

Transcription Notes:
"Pinus murryana" should be "murrayana" but transcribed as written. "Evotomys" is a type of vole, now described as Myodes.