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[[underlined]]Snake River[[/underlined]]

[[underlined]]June 6[[/underlined]]
Woke up at daylight at Wallawalla, had breakfast at Starbuck and stopped at 7:30 at Riparia where the R.R. crosses the Snake River. Hunted spermophiles & shot 85. townsendi but found no other species. Got some plants. Wrote on reports.

A cold night & morning & cool, windy day.

[[underlined]]June 7[[/underlined]]  Started at 7:25 & stopped at Winona at 8:47  Found only S. townsendi still. Bisulphided a lot in holes & wrote reports.

Winona is well up on top of prairie. Cliffs of lava crop out along the creek. The big hills are smoothe and seem to be good farming land. About half the land is pastured & the rest in grain.

[[underlined]]June 8[[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]]Sunday[[/strikethrough]] Monday,  Went to my bisulphide [[strikethrough]]Bisu[[/strikethrough]] holes & found that over half of the spermophiles had come out.

Took train at 8:45 AM for Colfax.

Saw only S. townsendi till near Diamond & there saw both townsendi & columbianus but only columbanus the rest of way over the 'Crest' & at Colfax. Reached Colfax at about 9:30 & hunted all of A.M. Wrote on reports in P.M. & started back at 7 P.M. for Heppner.

Transcription Notes:
Starbuck is a town part-way between Walla Walla and Winona, not the coffeehouse chain. "Spermophilus townsendii" is a type of ground squirrel.