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[[underlined]]Anna Creek.[[/underlined]]

August 31.
Rained hard nearly all day
Left about noon on our way back toward Crater Lake. Went about 16 miles and camped at a hay camp about 4 miles from Union Creek.

Sept. 1 st.
Left camp early and reached Pole Creek near Anna Creek Canon about 3 oclock  Made camp and put out some traps along the creek.

Sept. 2. Spent most of the forenoon hunting for Aplodontia and setting traps for them Found plenty of holes in Anna Creek Canon not more than 1/2 a mile from camp. In the afternoon put out more small traps and worked on specimens.

Sept 3. Caught 2 Aplodontias and a lot more specimens. Set some traps for flying squirrels & weasels

Sept 4. Remained at Pole creek 
Got a fair catch of mammals. Hunted some in the afternoon. Saw a marten just before nightfall but did not succeed in getting him.