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[[underlined]] Prineville [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] June 25 [[/underlined]] Continued across the Juniper covered plateau to the north and over the rim & down to Prineville, then about 5 miles out on The Dalles road and camped at base of first row of hills. Came 20 miles. Stopped in town to write letters while it rained.

The plateau top between Prineville & Farewell Bend is straight Sonoran, though covered a great part of the way with Junipers. It ranges from 3350 at the edge near Prineville to 3500 at our camp 15 miles out on the road and at probably the highest part of the road. These figures are aneroid readings with Prineville at 2900 as a base. Oryzopsis membrenaceae & the 2 Sonoran species of Physalia and Amsinkia and Nicotiana are common. S. mollis & T. pictus are common and Perodipus holes were found at the highest point. 

The soil is sandy & mellow. Scattered Juniperus occidentalis & sagebrush are the conspicuous plants. Lava rock underlies all the surface and crops out as cliffs and escarpments. 

Passed large fields of rye, wheat & barley on the plateau with heavy crops though without irregation - Grass is good all along and is not much grazed.

Rained in showers all day. Heavy rains have washed out the roads.

Came 20 miles.

Transcription Notes:
jeni92127 final review: cleared up "Physalia" issue "Oryzopsis membrenaceae" should be membranacea, but transcribed as written.- FYI, Indian ricegrass "Physalia" is probably the original author's misspell of "Physalis" [groundcherry] and not really a "Portuguese Man-of-war" [Physalia] "Amsinkia" should be Amsinckia, but transcribed as written.