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is almost pure Transition, A little Eurotia lanata & Artemisia spinescens gets up to lowest part of valley. The dominant shrub is A. tridentata, A. arbuscula, Geuterrezia euthameae(?), & Phlox douglasii are the next most conspicuous plants. Junipers & Pinus monophylla come down to edge of valley on both sides. The little shrubby peach and [[strikethrough]] L [[/strikethrough]] Amelanchier are common in the gulch at head of [[Leyde?]] Valley, the first seen on the trip. The peach is full of flowers & very pretty. Specimes saved.

Good grass all the way. Water in shallow pool in bottom of Love valley & one little stream from Shoshones about 5 miles from Love. Water again at Love & in gulch a mile above. No more till we struck Reese R. Love Valley extends away south & north, sloping lower each way and averaging perhaps 15 miles wide. Good roads run up & down the valley. The Pahute Mts. on the west are nearly as high as the Shoshones on the east.

Killed 2 Sage cocks & 4 Lepus idahoensis in middle of Love Valley. 

Love (or Midas P.O.) is a mining camp of 200 or 300 people, 2 stores & etc.

Transcription Notes:
"Geuterrezia" is probably Gutierrezia (snakeweed), but transcribed as written.