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[[strikethrough]] May [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Reese River, Lat. 39 [[degree symbol]] [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] May 15 [[/underlined]] Rained in the night and snowed nearly all day. Staid at camp making up specimens and writing reports. Too much soft snow on the ground for trapping. Cold and dissagreeable.

[[underlined]] May 16 [[/underlined]] Rained and snowed by spells in forenoon, dried off so we could set traps in afternoon. Set most of the traps for Lepus idahoensis.

[[underlined]] May 17 [[/underlined]] Cleared up at last. Caught 2 Lepus idahoensis in our traps and Oberholser shot one yesterday. Caught a lot of Peromyscus sonorensis & one P. truei.

Started up the valley at 10 AM. Stopped at Gooding's Ranch, 4 miles above camp and arranged to have our mail brought up there. Passed the upper ranch in the valley 8 miles above our camp and at mouth of Indian Creek, then followed up Reese River, crossing it 23 times, to upper end of canyon - and camped At 3 P.M., 7750 feet altitude. Barometer fell after storm to 6900 at lower camp on Reese River -