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[[underlined]] Arc Dome [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] May 24. [[/underlined]] A cold night but unusually clear, bright morning. Started for the top of Arc Dome, but went slowly up the canyon shooting Lagomys & other mammals & birds. Followed the canyon about 3 miles, past the second old mill then turned up a ridge and reached the Summit at 2 P.M. Found the climb very easy except for soft snow part way. A good horse trail leads to the summit & one could ride all the way.

The slopes are formed of broken shingle in rather small pieces mixed with soil. There are few abrupt cliffs or breaks.

The rock is a dark gray igneous material full of quartz & garnets, perhaps an old lava - It weathers rusty red in color but is dull gray where broken.

The peak is in the form of a long, sharp crescent with the concave, steep inner slope to the N.E. Other peaks & ridges partly complete the circle & form what I believe to be the rim of a once gigantic crater. The bottom of this ampitheater is filled with little ridges & hills of yellow material that looks like pumace. If an old crater the rim is much broken and