Viewing page 32 of 521

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[[preprinted]] 30 [[/preprinted]]

[[7 column table]]
[[all headings underlined]]
Date | Type | Number | From Place | From Time | To Place | To Time [[/underlined]]

5th | B-24D | 41-24244 | AM | 10:25 | CM | 12:05 
8th | C-46A | 42-60960 | CM | 14:35 | AM | 16:00
11th | B-24D | 41-24244 | AM | 8:35 | CM | 10:30 
12 "[[ditto for th]] | "[[ditto for B-24D]] | "[[ditto for 41-24244 | CM | 17:00 | AM | 18:20 
15th | C-46A | 42-60960 | AM | 09:45 | CM | 11:25