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The first prospect discovered by the Aviation Unit was found during Flight Number 29, which was made, as shown above, on June 28. (For detailed list of prospects see Appendix No. B). 

On July 6, at the request of T. P. Larken whose unit was stranded near Yenbo because of a broken axle, we made a transport flight to Yenbo to ferry a replacement axle to him. We returned via an interior route in order to look for a prospect called Hama'an reported by Bullock, and thought to be located near Un Lej. We did not find it at that time but found it later when systematic reconnaissance of that area was done. 

A special flight was made on August 11 for the purpose of eliminating the sand-stone area in the North-east corner of the concession. For this purpose we flew from Wedj to the sandstone contact east of Beda, thence followed the contact northward until it left the concession near the Gulf of Aquba. 

The vicinity of Aynunah, near the mouth of the Gulf of Aquba, was searched even more thoroughly then usual because of the persistence