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on or near the boundaries of the restricted "holy" areas, then worked outward from these in order to be sure not to fly over such prohibited areas.

On October 25, the base was moved to Jeddah. Here we set up the radio station and the photographic laboratory and carried on the reconnaissance work between Yenbo and Jeddah. Terrain east of Medina was flown from a temporary base at Mahad Dahab Mine.

A reconnaissance was flown in the immediate vicinity of Jeddah with Dr. F. P. Mackie as observer for the purpose of investigating the Jeddah water supply. Several photographs were made and supplied to Dr. Mackie for his information.

During November and December in addition to the reconnaissance flights made, a series of approximately four hundred photographs were taken to make a mosaic of the district in the vicinity of Mahad Dahab Mine, for assisting in the investigation of the geology of the district.