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[[underlined]]January 19[[/underlined]]

Visited HQ of XXII Tactical Air Command (Gen. Chidlaw).  They are on the Bologna road.  Went up themountain to visit the MEW and the 584.

MEW appears much to big for our use.  Weighs approximately 75 tons.  Is in about eight vehicles.  Uses approximately 150 officers and men.  (8 officers.)

Looked at 584 as used for close support bombing.  Very interesting.  It contains a map table with a polar coordinate arm connected to the 584.  The spot of light on the arm marks the position of the airplane.  Map used is scale 1:50,000.  Signal corrections are sent to the pilot by means of A and N control of Link Trainer.  Ops Analysis claims accuracy for six missions average 120 short and 320 feet left.  Stated that the patterns were quite good which leads them to believe that there is a consistent error.  I believe the whole outfit can be improved by careful operation.  Present faults:

Map scale too large.  AN not operated properly.  Met winds used instead of checking drift instrumentally.  Indicated altitude corrected for barometer and temperature when height can easily be determined by the 584.  Whole thing needs to be gone over by competent personnel and good procedures set up.  Also from what I'm told, the pilots are not all doing good job of flying the range.

Told that 9th TAC near Paris has similar device using XY coordinates.  British Branch Radiation Laboratory, Advance Section is sponsoring.

Whole job was set up by a unit who came in from the Radiation Lab in their own B-17.

Cannot use regular 584.  Required modification by means of special kit which can be installed in the field but is better done in US.

In evening talked with Maj. Reading, Signal Corps, of XXII Tac Rear.