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31st January -

Lt. Col. A. P. Crouch -
4 D 1078 -

"Supply by Air" - SECRET
HQ IX T. C. C. 
Vol. I
20 Nov. 1944

Good general description of IX TCC optns & history with good suggestions & recommendations on requirements.

Should get copies - Does not seem to have been circulated to IBT.

For best example get copies of tactical air plan - field orders - etc for optn Neptune, Market, or what.

Letter 14 June 44 to CG AAF (conf.) Subject "TCC Training Program for Operatione Neptune." signed BG Paul Williams with enclosures -

Report on optn "MARKET" - HX IX T.C.C.

Dragaan – Letter to "All concerned"
Subject: Report on Airborne aptns Dr[[strikethrough]]aga[[/strikethrough]]an dated 30 October 44 signed R. H. Frese, Capt. AGD – Allied AFHQ APO
Incl. = Report – –
One copy to "Burma India Theatre".
