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31st January 45 Major Allen (M&S)
Shoran-airbanne APN-3
allocated to include 175 (Jan & part of Feb. )
Locker for T.C. allocation.
Prod. +/- 200 per mo. 
Prob. get from later Feb. prod.

Sharan-Ground - AN/CPN-zLX.Bakke - (M&S)
Ref. 240 total. (not pairs)
Prod. coming to 35/mo in Apr. 
Deliv. to date aprox 26 equipments. 
All equip allocated to end of Feb +/-
Lt. Hughes OC&R.

Col. Byroade on organization (OPD) says ASC will be separate (1BT)(china) in name but overlapping in function. Says directive of IBT is (1) to support China logistically (2) to help British - that directive of China is to requisition through IBT but IBT cannot disapprove - they can only supply
or forward requisition. 

Col. Broadhurst is also confused on difference between T.C. - CC - CC Task force - 

Air Commandos - says we cooked them up ourselves - That he would like some dope on them - That combination of existing units would have been preferred-