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[[underlined]] Feb. 1 [[/underlined]]

Beason Meetin in 4E871 Feb. 7.

[[underlined]]Mr. Jones[[/underlined]]

Requirements for personnel not coming in to OPD - at same time as to Mandlbaum - OPD refuses a/c lack of detail -

Suggests that more detail be given and especially that OPD be notified.

Redeployment for fields around [[Alahaband?]] regime. 1300 men - No info.

Sometimes no approved plan and no knowledge in HQ of theater plan.

Mr. Ratliff - in Dr. Bawles office

Has copy of my memo to Knowles on R.V.O.

Wants conference with Stratton - Frank - etc.

Met Dr. Frank = Both F & Ratcliff think memo expresses a need.  Suggested (Frank) I see Dr. Stratton next Tuesday - then all of them on Thursday or Friday.

Met Dr. Bowles - Said HKM - Jim Roe - Bill Knowles all "sang you praises" - Said wanted to talk at length with me and maybe "go farther, even perhaps to steal you from Knowles" - Fixed lunch Tuesday with he, Stratton and self.