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Capt. M.A. O'Connor

Describes training unit of 124 O's who stay in field most of times instructing in maintenance.

2 Feb. 1945

In bed with cold.

Tentative organization for "Restricted visibility [[strikethrough]] Sect [[/strikethrough]] Group"
"Operation Section"

[[strikethrough]] Personnel [[/strikethrough]]

[[underlined]] Functions [[/underlined]]

1. [[strikethrough]] Works up [[/strikethrough]] Develops doctrines & procedures of 
employment _ (Uses data from AF Board - AFSAT etc - gets them to do most of the work.)

2. Develops operational & maintenance procedures (Through ASTAC etc.)

3. Procures spare parts tables

4. Arranges for authority for personnel increases -

5. Organizes & trains training units, or teams -

6. Supervises writing of texts, procedures, training material, etc - also films.

7. Develops synthetic training devices