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[[circled]] 2 [[/circled]]

Guidon [[?]] - paint -
Picket - beacon etc =

Major Kirkpatrick - ETO.  PFF

Scattering in Sicily

Salenna all dropped on top of each other! (after training of PPF)

England - lights on 0/z sacrif security for accuracy - no MF a/c jamming etc.

[[underlined]] Maj. Jacobson [[/underlined]]  ETO  PFF

PFF not on predesignated spot but provides assembly paint.

Mission to establish aids.

Used "G" exclusively in Normandy.  Props of PFF off up to 1 1/2 miles.

Believes pilotage drops most accurate-

Radar to be used only as aid.

Holland all visual.

Bastagne used 717 - G - to get to area.  drop on pilotage.

[[underlined]] Capt. Brown [[/underlined]] --  Corps PFF officer (ETO)

Lights not good for D/Z.  needs infrared.

Need simplicity- men on drops keyed up-like Capt talking to Gens & Cols.