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[[circled]] 6 [[/circled]]

8th February.

[[strikethrough]] 8th December [[/strikethrough]]
arrow right movie on TCC invasion of Normandy.
Gen Dolby-
states 100 yds = pin point perfection

Col. Coulter says spread is
1 stick = 10 sec = 1/3 mile (?)

Pathfinder people think that in mass drops - if center of impact is within 400 yds is excellent.

Actual error in Normandy 1000 yds PFF
with 717 +/- 1 mile - (troops)
Pilotage +/- 50 yds -

[[underlined]] Rebecca - Eureka - [[/underlined]]

Read excerpt of Knowles letter on PPN -

Hazeton - Storage batteries - not dry cells.
Hand generator for light weight VHF.

Coulter in Italy having trouble with batteries.

Cant Brown of ETO has same trouble.

Sends resupply by parachute - Wants hand generator without hum - Has used glider batteries.

Coulter things enough frequency channels now-

Quoted requirement for 176M. on R/E - Will be in APN-12

Col. Leary suggests combining beacons for drop zones - for demarcation of front lines, etc.