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[[underlined]]12th Feb. 45[[/underlined]]

Told Col. Hazeltine of arrangement.  He assigned me to desk of Dr. Llewellyn - who has left.-

Talked with Col. Williams and another from the War College - They wanted ratio of tons required to support transport operations per ton of freight hauled across hump.

Maj. Barruski says will wire theater asking for extension of my orders.-

Col. Wood, Mr. Jones, and I in discussion on SCS-51 for Kanning.  Seems Col. Cannon says they want it but Chennault turned it down.  Wood says Col. Cannon himself turned it down before.  Jones says it should be put in anyway, it's a good idea.

[[underlined]]13th Feb. 45[[/underlined]]

Spent morning on reports for IBT.  Sorted everything and dictated general letters on IBT (#7)

Lunch with Dr. Stratton and Lt. Col Hazeltine - Sr. S. seems to want emphatically to keep me busy.-

Mr. Jones told someone that "new thinking here is that we have too many gadgets now and need to learn how to use what we have".  This followed reading of my "Horse & Buggy Aviation".

Worked up outline for report on Beacon meeting.

Moving into furnished room at 1312 22nd St South Arlington. Va.-