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[[underlined]]7th March 45[[underlined]] 

Conference at HQ AF Board with Mr. L.A. Doff- My impression was that work is very slow there - Apparently little or no attempt to get help of outside agencies except AFTAC-

Col. Henry came in later and we had lunch together. 

Afternoon talked mainly with Col. Henry- also Col.Mornier, exec. 
Met. Gen. Strickland- Pres. of the board.
Mornier is definitely fighter pilot.
Believes will be very difficult to 
teach fifteen to fly instruments
partly because of inherent instability
of heavily loaded fighter A/C- He has
done a little analysis of his own
reactions- States he feels perfectly 
safe in two seater (B-25) because he
knows a second pair of eyes is
watching him + the instruments
but not so in fighter. No one there
to tell him a wing is down-

"All-Weather" project is divided into
several phases-
1. Take off- operate- land a single
bomber entirely on instruments- (Done)
2. Same for fighter (Working)
3. Multiple bomber (Not started)
4. '' fighter (Not '')