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29th March 1945 Thursday.

Maj. Moomaw reported today for interview for job as my replacement in India.  Seems OK and I spent most of the day briefing and indoctrinating him.  Think can finish in a couple of days.

Tried all day to see Dr. S. but he's tied up.  He promised to see me tomorrow morning at 9:30.  He seems unhappy too.  Think must state my position in order to relieve him.

Read Herbst's paper on organization and activities of the committee.  It is pretty good but wanders into vagaries at the end.  Unfortunately, it parallels the work I've been doing, and therefore it is a waste of time.  Many of the projects mentioned are already under way and some of the others have been proposed but no personnel is available for them.

Stayed late to work on the problem.  Hope I have the right attack.

^[[30th March - Friday

Talk with Dr. S. gave him my dope on relations between him and me.  He seemed pleased -

Arranged for more frequent meetings with S. - Will  see him every morning at 9:30-

Dr. S. will arrange a luncheon with Dr. B. before he leaves and will try for one every week after he returns.

New policy is to work on comprehensive jobs which can actually be accomplished - In one year should have the problem accurately stated and enough work done to demonstrate need for committee.

Read letter from Secs of Navy and War to Pres. Nat Acad. of Sciences directing him to establish "Research Board for National Security" - dated Nov. 9- 45 - Looks fairly permanent.