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Lunch with Col. Cochrane of OC&R - Good discussion of details of all wx flying.  He seems very interested - Met Col. Peasely - He seems very interested but claims not to know too much about it.  He offered to take us along on trips when we wanted to go - He is now getting acquainted with agencies engaged in all-wx flying development - I suggested cooperation and exchange (informally) of plans so as to avoid duplication.

[[underline]] Wed. 4 April -45 [[/underline]]
Dr. Stratton - Dr Frank - Ratliff, Fink, Mountain Herbst

Reviewd meeting of 2 wks ago.

Described time breakdown
Long Range

[[item one is crossed out]]
[[encircled 1]] Need detailed and critical information - "to be friend + counsel"
Estimation of situation.
[[/item one is crossed out]]

[[encircled 2]] Dr Frank assigned to write policy (initial).  (Friday)

[[encircled 3]] Develop plan for committee (Ratliff -) Thursday 11[[superscript]][[underlined]]th[[/underlined]][[/superscript]]

 X [[encircled 4]] Ignore En Route Nov. except to watch NORC - until necessary.