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[[underlined]]28th May 45[[/underlined]]
Visited RCA in [[strikethrough]]Wells[[/strikethrough]] Wing's Field near Philadelphia to view demonstration
of "Block" - Was much interested in
the detail of the image, etc. - Mr. Loren Jones
described briefly their method of televising
a map with a/c positions and X mtng to aircraft.  Very similar to method described by Griggs except uses television instead of radar for X msn.
RCA will describe whole thing on June 4
in Washington.

  Went to Wright Field where -
[[underlined]] 29th May 45 [[/underlined

  Visited Col Winter - He talked about _
[[encircled 1]] Meeting of CAA with British on 
June 12[[superscript]][[underlined]]th[[/superscript]][[/underlined]] - Thinks this is somewhat 
premature - Should have American
meeting first.
[[encircled 2]] Experimental Airways - Suggested
check with ATC on their use of Dix

  Talked with Lt. Col. Mosely - He was
pleasant but had little to contribute.
He says his automatic approval
device is working fine -

Met Col. P. H. Robey. - He was very
emphatic in  his condemnation of
CAA, Air Traffic Control, etc.  Says
regulations are making liars out of
all pilots - Says letters of criticism
etc. all going one way.  Says small
tail (273 commercial a/c) is wagging
a rhinoceros (270,000 Army A/C).