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PLACE..............4E539, Pentagon

[[and a handwritten note]] 25 JUNE. 45 [[underline]] date? [[/underline]] [[underline]] who? [[/underline]] Col. Mundell. Maj. Caplan [[/and a handwritten note]]

SUBJECT: Radar-Television Navigation System

I. Conference opened by General McClelland, ACO.
   a. Statement of purpose.
   b. Remarks.
II. Description of RCA System.
   a. Questions and answers.
III. Tentative Proposal of ACO for Trial of System.
   a. Existing equipment that might be used.
   b. Explanation of administration of tests.
IV. Discussion of Item III.
   a. Suggestions relative to other available equipments, etc.
V. Review of Proposed Tests After Considering Item IV.
   a. Appointment of committee to aid ACO in preparation of technical recommendations concerning test program.

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