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Mr. L. G. Fritz
Page Four
March 6, 1942

6. Offices

Approximately 10,000 square feet of floor space for offices. It is immaterial whether this is all in one building or whether half of it is in one building and the rest distributed among other buildings.

7. Officers' living quarters

A bachelor officers' quarters building sufficient to accommodate approximately 125 officers. This should be complete with rooms and mess facilities. 

8. Barracks for enlisted men

Sufficient barrack space to accommodate approximately 400 enlisted men, including non-commissioned officers of all grades.

9. Infirmary

Complete with facilities for minor surgery and hospital treatment. The magnitude of this unit would be determined by the proximity to other hospital facilities.

10. Enlisted men's mess hall

Mess hall adequate to feed 400 enlisted men per week.

11. Civilian mess

A cafeteria sufficient to feed 500 civilian students per meal. These students will be of approximately enlisted grade.

12. Squadron quarters

One complete set of standard Army quarters designed to house and operate a complete Army squadron. This set will include administrative buildings, operations buildings, barracks, mess halls, etc. This set would be used for the housing of the squadron being trained in practical work.

B. [[underlined]] Miscellaneous facilites [[/underlined]]

Facilities such as fire department, guard houses, power plants, sanitation systems, water supply, fuel and host supply, etc. must be determined when the actual location of this school is decided.

C. [[underlined]] Airport [[/underlined]]

The flying field from which this school operates must be large enough to accommodate the largest aircraft used. It should have runways at least 5,000 feet long, if possible.