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SUBJECT: Training of Technical Personnel

TO: President, Transcontinental & Western Air, Inc.
Kansas City, Missouri

1. Pursuant to War Department Contract #DA-W-535 ac 1062, dated December 24, 1941, as amended, you are hereby authorized and ordered to train personnel for the operation, maintenance and servicing of aircraft and airports and of communications, navigation and meteorological facilities and in connection therewith:

(1) To establish a training school or schools at such point or points as you may deem desirable and/or to make arrangements with others for the furnishing of training, such training to be under your control and supervision.

(2) To provide or cause to be provided housing and mess facilities for such personnel, and facilities for the transportation of the personnel between the location of the housing and mess facilities and the training school or schools, to the extent such housing, mess and transportation facilities may be reasonably available.

(3) To provide the personnel in training with actual experience in operation, maintenance and servicing work in conjunction with your air transport operations, to the extent practicable to do so.

2. The personnel to be trained by you will be Army personnel assigned to you by this office, except, that not in excess of one thousand civilians are to be selected and hired by you and compensated during the period of training at current prevailing wage levels existing at the time payment is made; such compensation, together with your other expenses in carrying out this order, to be reimbursed by the Government pursuant to the terms of said contract.

3. You are further authorized and ordered to procure all facilities, equipment, materials and supplies and to hire and train all instructing and supervisory personnel as may be necessary to carry out the terms of this order, and your obligations under this order are contingent upon your ability to secure such facilities, equipment, materials, supplies and personnel.

4. You are further authorized and ordered to proceed with the development of your organization and expansion of facilities, equipment and personnel on the assumption that this training program will continue for a period of at least two years and that during such period you will be charged with the training of at least 10 squadrons of approximately 320 men per squadron.

February 26, 1942

/s/Robert Olds
Robert Olds, Brigadier General,
Commanding General of the Army
Air Corps Ferrying Command