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[[strikethrough]] CONFIDENTIAL [[/strikethrough]]

7. Maps and Aeronautical Charts:

1:2,000,000 used for flight Daker to Marrakech are of no use on ground inasmuch as sand dunes and hills up to 200' elevation which are frequent in area of Star are not indicated.

8. Letter in Arabic asking for safe conduct of Americans was of immediate value when men found caravan. Some of words in Arabic - English vocabulary not understood by those Arabs who speak a dialect.

Ideas exchanged by sign language - head on hands, eyes closed and showing five finers indicated five nights to Chinguetti, nearest town; also gestures of eating, drinking, etc.

As soon as Arabs understood from letter that the men were Americans they shook hands all around, packed bags on camels and offered them food and water.

Arabs wrote a statement in Arabic on the border of one the pilot's charts which in translation says:

"Three Americans. Where do you come from? They have come to us land. They are our rulers - our guides. They have come to our country to stay. We hope that you will stay with us for as long a time as possible. The country is almost starving - it lacks the necessities of life. We hope for and are counting on your help and cooperation. We are happy to have you. Your arrival gives us hope. We are ready to lend you our help and cooperation."

Capt. Air Corps,

A-2, ATC, Washington, D.C.
U.S. Military Observer, Daker.
Group Operations.


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